A downloadable game for macOS

B.A. Project - Motion Transformation with Machine Learning

Help your fellow astronauts after getting lost in space and landing on a non discovered planet to setup the first Space Pizza restaurant of its type and serve Pizza to your colleagues and to aliens that you found on the planet, while they are trying to communicate back to earth.

Without clicking on any physical buttons, use your laptop webcam to collect floating Pizza ingredients and put them on the dough on time.  As all the astronauts are out of their space food due to the unexpected long trip, you are only left with Pizza Ingredients that should have been used for another mission, but it looks like that you have to setup your Pizza Station on this planet. This is the only food you have left, so make sure not to waste any Pizza !

Good Luck on your mission !


Programming ,Game Art & Game Design: Veronica Kwok

This game was created at the Game Design // UE at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences Berlin.

Supervisor: Prof. Florian Berger

Bachelor Project (Winter Semester 2022-2023)


SpacePizza.app.zip 58 MB

Install instructions

Game Requirements

The Game requires Python3 to be installed on your computer.Please insure that Python3 is installed by running  `brew install python@3`

Game Setup

After downloading the game and in order to set it up with Python before playing, Please do the following steps :

  • Open your terminal and navigate to the directory of the downloaded game file
  • Run the following command `xattr -rc  <file-name>.app`
  • Then allow r/x/w permissions by the following command  `sudo chmod -R  777 <file-name>.app`
  • Finally, depending on your Processor make, please run one of the following commands in order to setup the required python environment
    • Intel :  `sh <file-name>.app/Contents/python\~/posedetect/setup.sh`
    • Apple-Silicon: `sh <file-name>.app/Contents/python\~/posedetect/setup-silicon.sh`

Game Execution

After making sure of correctly running step by step of the game setup commands, Please double click on the game in order to run it.

You will be requested to allow the Disk and Camera use by the game in order to start playing.

If the game doesn't run in the first time due to lack of permissions, please close it and rerun it again after granting the required permissions.

Please be aware of that without granting the camera and disk usage permission, the game will not be able to start.